Reiki Massage
Relax, receive and release
Relax, receive, and release energy blocks that can cause imbalances in your physical and emotional wellbeing.
Reiki is the Japanese word for Universal Life Energy. As Reiki Masters, Cody and Elena have been trained to flow this healing energy from the Universe to the client. Reiki healing energy is very gentle and will naturally go wherever your body needs it. Clients generally feel relaxed during the sessions. Some fall asleep while others feel a variety of sensations. It’s effective whether you feel anything or not.
Our Reiki-trained therapists have designed a Reiki Massage that combines the wonderful Reiki energy healing with massage that penetrates all levels for both physical and emotional well-being.
The slow and gentle muscle manipulation of massage combined with the healing and rejuvenating effects of Reiki provide an outstanding experience that helps people remedy energy disruptions and alleviate pain and stress on all levels.
While both massage therapy and Reiki healing are good on their own for relaxing muscles, increasing blood flow, and providing a sense of well-being, they are even more powerful when used in conjunction with each other.