Acupuncture & Eastern Medicine
Japanese Acupuncture Bliss
Japanese Acupuncture is a gentler style, using thin needles and more hands-on palpatation in diagnosing and treating. Experience Marcia’s caring touch and her unique combination of relaxation, breathwork, gentle insertions and Reiki to deepen the acupuncture session. Treatment is 90 minutes.
Read about Marcia’s Japanese Acupuncture Bliss
$167 (90 min)
Cupping Therapy
Cupping is a safe, traditional treatment that helps resolve chronic muscle tightness and pain faster than massage therapy alone.
Integrating massage with cupping therapy can help relieve headaches, stress, allergy congestion, muscle tension, back pain, digestion issues…and more!
Read about Elena’s Cupping Therapy.
$135 (60 min) / $200 (90 min)
Alternative Therapies & Prices
Reiki Session
Relax, receive, and release energy blocks that can cause imbalances in your physical and emotional wellbeing. Includes a 15-minute initial assessment and 40-minute hands-on healing and chakra clearing.
$90 (55 min)
Tarot Card Readings
Tarot card readings provide insight, clarity, and awareness on issues you’re experiencing and the direction you’re heading. Includes either a 3-card or 9-card draw and a detailed analysis and consultation. (The 3-card reading is available only as an add-on combined with a regular Reiki session.)
9-card reading $97 (60 min) / 3-card add-on $35 (20 min)
Book Online or Call Us Today
Select the time and treatment best for you. Emails confirm and remind you of appointments.
Call us at 925-979-9005