Our Wellness Center
we bring you back to a perfect state of health
Massage, Skincare, Acupuncture and more:
- Massage techniques for healing and recovering range of motion and a pain free life.
- Acupuncture, Cupping and Eastern Medicine
- Skincare for clearer skin, anti-aging, non-surgical face lifts and more.
- Body Shaping and specialty Spa Massage Services to look and feel better.
Or call us if you have questions about which treatment is best for you.
Call 925-979-9005
Buy a Package
Real change doesn’t happen overnight. Our therapeutic massage treatments can begin breaking away damaged tissue and you will feel a difference. With regular sessions and continuing with a series of treatments will get even better results.

Therapeutic Massage, Acupuncture, Skincare and Wellness Center in Pleasant Hill, CA
Find us at:
2651 Pleasant Hill Road,
Pleasant Hill, Ca 94523
Serving Contra Costa County: Martinez, Walnut Creek, Lafayette, Concord, Pacheco and surrounding areas.
Call us:
For an appointment
(925) 979-9005