Massage Treatments & Prices

Therapeutic or Relaxing Massage
This is your good basic massage. Address health issues. Relieves severe muscle tension, relaxation and feeling good.

$125 (60 min) / $187.50 (90 min)

Myofascial Release Massage
Attention to the cause of the problem, eliminating symptoms, bringing permanent structural changes to return you to a pain free, active lifestyle.

$135 (60 min)  /  $200 (90 min)

Deep Tissue Massage
A deep tissue massage is a heavier pressure and is used to treat musculoskeletal issues, including strains and sports injuries. Applies a sustained pressure using slow, deep strokes to target the inner layers of your muscles and connective tissues. Helps to break up scar tissue that forms following an injury and reduce tension in muscle and tissue. Increased blood flow may also promote faster healing and reduce inflammation.

$135 (60 min)  /  $200 (90 min)

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral is a type of bodywork that relieves compression in the bones of the head, sacrum (a triangular bone in the lower back), and spinal column. This noninvasive technique uses gentle pressure on the head, neck, and back to relieve the stress and pain caused by compression. It is able to relieve migraines, trauma recovery, including trauma from whiplash, neck and shoulder pain and more.

$135 (60 min)  /  $200 (90 min)

Head, Neck & Shoulder Release

This massage focuses on releasing tension from head, neck and shoulder area. Gentle pressure on the head, neck, and back to relieve the stress and pain caused by compression. It is able to relieve migraines, trauma recovery, including trauma from whiplash, neck and shoulder pain and more.

$135 (60 min)  /  $200 (90 min)

Reiki Massage

Reiki massage is a wonderful combination of Reiki energy healing and massage therapy that helps with both physical and emotional well-being. The slow and gentle muscle manipulation of massage combined with the healing and rejuvenating effects of Reiki provide an outstanding experience that helps people remedy energy disruptions and alleviate pain and stress on all levels. While both massage therapy and Reiki healing are good on their own for relaxing muscles, increasing blood flow, and providing a sense of well-being, they are even more powerful when used in conjunction with each other.

$135 (60 min)

Lymphatic Massage
Immunity Boosting Detox Lymphatic Massage! Manual lymph drainage is light massage that encourages lymph flow in the body. Helps with detoxification, edema, pre- and post surgery, cellulite treatments, scar tissue, eczema, sinus congestion and acne.

$135 (60 min)  /  $200 (90 min)

Prenatal Massage
Help expecting Mommies relax tense muscles, ease sore spots, improve circulation and mobility, and overall feel good.

$135 (60 min)  /  $200 (90 min)

Neuromuscular and Medical Massage & Prices

Medical Massage
Medical massage will work directly with patients, with very specific goals – alleviating pain and treating underlying health conditions. Some of these conditions include neuropathy, cancer, fibromyalgia, sports injuries, or even high blood pressure. Our massage therapists use advanced training in medical issues and anatomy on his patients for healing and overall improvement.

$150 (1 hr) / $225 (90 min)

Micro-current/LED Injury Treatment
Special therapy treatment with attention to injuries. Scar tissue can build up after surgeries, injuries or other life events and keep you in pain. This treatment uses special microcurrent and LED lights to break up the blockages and allow for better, long-term healing.

$145 (60 min)  /  $215 (90 min)

Repair & Rejuvenate w/Micro-current
Repair & Rejuvenate old injuries and chronic pain. Special treatment with attention to injuries. Our therapist combines deep tissue massage with microcurrent technology. They use an intuitive touch that hones right in on problem areas to break up scar tissue from old surgeries, injuries or other life events and keep you in pain.

$145 (60 min)  /  $215 (90 min)

Deep Tissue Percussion Massage

This Deep Tissue massage combines the use of a percussion massage gun to stimulate the lymphatic system and increase blood flow throughout the body. Percussive massage can increase range of motion, break up tight and bound muscles and decrease stiffness in the calf muscles. Read more.

$145 (60 min)  /  $215 (90 min)

Orthopedic Massage
Orthopedic massage is a type of injury rehabilitation that focuses on the muscles and soft tissues surrounding joints. The aim of orthopedic massage is to relieve pain while restoring balance to the tissues and create a fuller range of motion.

$145 (60 min)  /  $215 (90 min)

Neuromuscular Injury Relief Massage
With a focus on injuries, this massage is designed to help with healing connective tissue, muscle strains, and other areas of pain. Neuromuscular Therapy uses soft tissue manipulation to help improve nervous system function and the overall function and alignment of the skeletal system. Using static pressure, neuromuscular therapists place a consistent amount of pressure on a specific area of the body, helping to reduce pain and tension effectively.

$145 (60 min)  /  $215 (90 min)

Sports Injury Relief Massage
Designed for athletes and active individuals who seek regeneration and relief from intense physical activity, this treatment helps to eliminate toxins and ease fatigue. Whether your a pro or you just like to play sports, work out at the gym, run, ride bikes, or hike, this massage can help get you back on your feet faster.  It’s good for healing or prevention of sports injuries, chronic pain or restricted range of motion to the muscles and tendons.

$145 (60 min)  /  $215 (90 min)

Post Op Healing Massage
A treatment for patients who have undergone surgery and are looking at how to get their body back to normal.

Operations cause scar tissue, showing up as lumpy muscles and tissue. But the problem is deeper than just what you see on the outside. Using microcurrent and radio/ light frequencies to drain the lymphatic system and break down scar tissue.

$145 (60 min)  /  $215 (90 min)

Acupuncture & Eastern Medicine

Japanese Acupuncture Bliss

Japanese Acupuncture is a gentler style, using thin needles and more hands-on palpatation in diagnosing and treating. Experience Marcia’s caring touch and her unique combination of relaxation, breathwork, gentle insertions and Reiki to deepen the acupuncture session. Treatment is 90 minutes.

Read about Marcia’s Japanese Acupuncture Bliss

$167 (90 min)

Cupping Therapy
Cupping is a safe, traditional treatment that helps resolve chronic muscle tightness and pain faster than massage therapy alone.

Integrating massage with cupping therapy can help relieve headaches, stress, allergy congestion, muscle tension, back pain, digestion issues…and more! 

Read about Elena’s Cupping Therapy.

$135 (60 min)  /  $200 (90 min)

Spa Treatments & Prices

Pain Relief Massage

Amazing massage for healing chronic pain, calming and boosting your mood.


This massage uses special lotions designed for pain relief. It helps to alleviate inflammation, reduce pain, improve blood pressure, improve the health and appearance of skin, aid in muscle recovery, and much more. Massage therapy also offers a plethora of benefits to your physical health, including speeding up muscle recovery, reducing tension in fascia and soft tissue, reducing pain, relieving headaches, improving digestion, and improving overall quality of sleep.

Combines massage with use special lotions designed for pain relief to help reduce unwanted symptoms like swelling or inflammation while increasing overall physical health and wellbeing.

$145 (60 min) / $215 (90 min)

Fall Pumpkin Massage

Get in a good mood for fall with this specially infused massage with pumpkin oil. Pumpkin is a powerful antioxidant that helps boost the immune system and has many positive impacts on the body.  Pumpkin helps calm your anxiety and nerves, leading to a better sleep.The beta-carotene also helps protect our skin, especially from the sun’s UV rays. You will go home relaxed and feeling great!

$145 (60 min) / $215 (90 min)

Chakra Cleansing Massage

The yogis believed that we all have 7 main chakra centers in our body: the root, sacral center, solar plexus, heart center, throat, third eye and crown. When these chakras get filled with energy of other people, stress, and negative or bad thoughts or emotions we are not functioning at our optimum.

This massage is focused on clearing and cleansing each chakra center. It is combined with touch and massage of your body, clearing any area that is stuck or blocked for maximum energy flow.

$135 (60 min) / $200 (90 min)

Immune Boosting Massage
Get a full 60 or 90 minute massage with essential oils designed to help your immune system. This massage will relax your body and mind while boosting your immune system with special massage techniques and a natural blend of tea tree and lavender essential oils. The essential oils help clear toxins, breathe better, and enhance your immunity.

$145 (60 min) / $215 (90 min)

Hot Stone Massage
A deeply soothing and pleasant treatment that performs an important detoxifying, relaxing and draining action due to the use of heated basalt stones with therapeutic essential oils. It relieves muscle pain, increases the body metabolism and relaxes the tissue.

$135 (60 min)  /  $200 (90 min)

Body Treatments & Prices

Body Shaping Treatment
This treatment features Microcurrent LED, Cavitation Ultrasound, Radio Frequency and Lymphatic. These tools are selected to best get you your desired results.

Lift and tighten without invasive surgery. Radio Frequency Treatment combines the proven technology of RF for heating the subcutaneous region of the body with a therapeutic cooling head to produce maximum results with no discomfort. Youthful skin vitality is restored. Collagen and elastin are restored. Tightens and lifts.

$165 (60 min) / $245 (90 min)

Signature Deluxe Treatment (Massage, Microcurrent/LED, with Infrared Sauna Bed)
Back 2 Perfect’s Signature Treatment. Detox massage followed by cutting edge Micro-current/LED Body Sculpting used on specific area’s. Detox in our relaxing Infir red sauna bed reducing tension and muscle soreness while eliminating fat cells. Enjoy this relaxing, cellulite reducing treatment. 3 treatments combined for amazing results.

$245 (1 1/2 – 2 hr treatment)

FAR Infrared Sauna Wrap Treatment (Up to 60 min on Infrared Sauna Bed)
You will be wrapped in a heated FAR Infrared Blanket that will encourage the body to sweat and release toxins.

FAR infrared is a radiant form of natural energy. FAR infrared cannot be seen, but can be felt as a nourishing heat that safely penetrates the skin to increase core-body temperature. This results in an intense, detoxifying, health-boosting sweat that helps you look and feel healthier, happier, and brighter.

With FAR Infrared you will detox as you sweat. We live in a toxic world with pollution, gasses, chemicals on our foods and more. With the help of FAR infrared technology, you can enhance your body’s ability to free itself from toxic chemicals, pathogens, and heavy metals by cleansing from the inside out.

$125 (1 hr treatment)

Alternative Therapies & Prices

Reiki Session

Relax, receive, and release energy blocks that can cause imbalances in your physical and emotional wellbeing. Includes a 15-minute initial assessment and 40-minute hands-on healing and chakra clearing.

Learn more about Reiki.

$90 (55 min)

Tarot Card Readings

Tarot card readings provide insight, clarity, and awareness on issues you’re experiencing and the direction you’re heading. Includes either a 3-card or 9-card draw and a detailed analysis and consultation. (The 3-card reading is available only as an add-on combined with a regular Reiki session.)

Learn more about Tarot Readings.

9-card reading $97 (60 min) / 3-card add-on $35 (20 min)

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Call us at 925-979-9005